Detector Dog Selection Process

Only after an extensive selection and training process will a canine become a R.A.I.D. Corps, Inc. detector dog.  The detector dogs we use have been in environments ranging from large industrial sites, schools and even boats at sea. 

Substances Detected

Dogs are trained to passively alert on the odors of:

  • Marijuana/Hashish
  • Cocaine/Crack 
  • Methamphetamine 
  • Heroin 
  • MDMA 
  • Gun Powder


R.A.I.D. Corps, Inc. usually works with either German Shepherds or a Belgium Shepherds, which are German Shepherds mixed with the Belgian Malinois.


All R.A.I.D. Corps, Inc. dogs receive their annual certification from the following, which are also mandatory for police canines:

Meet Our Dogs